Hi Everyone:
There are four new features (and several bug fixes that released last Monday:
  • Contributing points now appear on the worksheet screen
  • Claims are sorted upon open
  • Status radio buttons are fabulous – use them
  • Policy period has been added and updated
  • Add policy period – so you can easily add one or more policies or policy periods within the one experience rating period
Our Help calls have decreased substantially so we know we’ve just about got it. Please call for any amount of help you need.
We recommend either the FireFox (if you like our toolbar) or the Chrome browser both of which are free to download and use. MS Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10 work too. We have solved almost every behavior problem with a change of browsers.
TOWER INS CO of New York has apparently lost its mind. Okay insurance carriers don’t have minds but these guys filed seven bazillion separate territories including some places in California we hadn’t heard of. Since the Strategic rate Comparison doesn’t ask what territory your client or prospect is in we publish all the territories for each class.
Oy Vey did this lead to issues (they took up all the space).
So we have excluded them for now while I figure out a better way to deal with their filing. The good news (believe it or not) is that the update process we have in place is so automatic and works so well that I have no idea these things happen until one of you smart people calls us. We update rates usually within 2 days of filing.
Helpful Hints
  • ADJUST TYPE SIZE ON YOUR SCREEN: USE the CNTL /+ keys together
  • Don’t know the carrier code – start typing in the carrier name to get a pull down
  • SORTING BY STATUS? You have to use the radial button to set the status otherwise the default is unfinished
  • Be looking for the announcement of a FREE webcast to teach both experience rating and analysis and our new system. You will want to attend this one for sure.
  • Find OLD worksheets by searching whole organization
  • Be sure to check out and use the Quickcourses – they have lots of useful information about the pages you use all the time and pages you might not have tried.
  • WE have added all three State Fund Tiers to the Strategic Rate Comparison including all territories. Whew! Those government bureaucrats can certainly find ways to complicate all our lives, huh… Be sure to use 3/1/2013 as the effective date to get the new rates.
More Free Upgrades Coming Shortly
  • We are taking the week off from development of WCU to work on some other Compline things
Bugs and Issues Fixed and Known



WCU FIXED There was a slight formula issue in some MS browsers when using the under 2001 claims field this has been resolved.


WCU FIXED Minor problem with sharing worksheets



FIXED We fixed the issue with the X-Mod calculator, Workers’ Comp Utilities.
FIXED Rate Analysis report was having a display and rate issue when a deleted class was at the top. This has been resolved.
REQUEST We have had several requests to make the SRC work like the Carrier Rate Compare and only show the chosen carriers in the print. This is on our schedule.
REQUEST We acknowledge and will schedule the request to not hold the last lookup on strategic Rate Comparison. This is being scheduled.
REQUEST: We thank the agent who requested that they be allowed to insert copy into the presentation Prints and have not scheduled this request – yet.
KNOWN We have a known issue concerning large losses in the WCU. We have determined what the problem is and will fix it in the new WCU release.
KNOWN We recognize the issue with the timeouts occurring too quickly when there is inactivity. In the next major release we will increase the timeout from 20 minutes to 1 hour.
KNOWN We have some issue with the cookie sign in from the Toolbar, which we are also currently addressing.

KNOWN We are aware that some class descriptions are missing – we create our own rather than using the Bureau’s and will update when we get a chance


If you know of an issue or bug please call us or email us. We have not been getting many issue
reports so we’re glad but want to make everything work for everybody. So call us!

As always, we want your ideas and are always more than happy to listen.

Dale Debber
For the whole Compline Team